The Pinnacle Series 24V driver collection has been designed with complete flexibility in mind. The compact size with a profile height of less than 1.9" and a certificate for wet rated locations allows for unlimited installation applications. It meets all requirements for Class 2 certification and is the recommended driver for use with our 24V Pinnacle Series LED tape light. They are offered in five (5) wattage configurations to answer various installation needs.

technical specifications
TLD24V-25W = 24V Driver - 25W
TLD24V-30W = 24V Driver - 30W
TLD24V-60W = 24V Driver - 60W
TLD24V-96W = 24V Driver - 96W
TLD24V-192W = 24V Driver - 192W
TLD24V-288W = 24V Driver - 288W
TLD24V-MINI-60W = 24V Driver - mini 60W
TLD24V-MINI-96W = 24V Driver - mini 96W
Class 2 rating icon
Class P rating icon
FCC rating icon
Type HL rating icon
UL listed rating icon
Wet Locations rating icon
specification sheets

